You’ll get daily electronic reports.
The report we get to you every day includes all the facts you need to know, including:
- Feedings & meals
- Diaper changes
- Nap times
- Daily pictures of your child engaged in activities
- Progress notes
We offer availability on Saturdays and some Sundays to help you with your busy schedule. We can work around your work time, or simply drop in. In the future, we plan to offer overnight care.
Our menu is always varied and we offer organic, non-GMO, gluten-free meals every day. We include breakfast, lunch, an afternoon snack and dinner.
Ask about our promotional sibling discount of 10%! 646-960-3550
Call us at 646-960-3550
Fun & learning that mean new discoveries every day!
Our classes offer each child a solid beginning.
- Educational movement
- Piano & other instruments
- Music classes
- Scribble & scrabble
- Arts & crafts
- Storytime
- Pretend play
- Writing development
- Fine & gross motor skills
- Social studies
- Technology
- Math & science
- STEM studies
- Circle time
- Sensory play
- Cognitive development